The more we know about what causes a scar.
The more we can intervene to stop a scar from forming.
There's a lot we don’t truly understand about the healing process.
Why do some people scar with minimal scars while others develop more significant scarring?
We need more studies and information on the multiple factors involved that predispose a person’s susceptibility to significant scarring.
This includes the genes involved in healing and how these genes co-operate in the healing process with different cell types.
We must learn more about the factors that control the healing process, including those that can slow, prevent, or speed it up and how different types of injury or disease or a person’s general health may alter the normal healing process.
Our understanding of the cells and molecules in the skin that control the wound healing process needs to be developed especially the interactions between the types of cells, within the outer and inner layer of the skin.
We want to connect with researchers working in scar free research. If you would like to engage with us, please tell us a bit about yourself